Thursday, September 27, 2018

Bhaav Spandana - Fragrance of Existence

A few days back I returned from a 3 day course of Bhaav-Spandana at Isha Yoga Centre, Coimbatore.  Calling an exuberant experience a "course", doesn't justify Sadhguru's magnanimous grace, to say the least :-)
Before the memories fade out and only the substance remains, I have attempted a humble play of words to capture a few glimpses of the amazing experience...

You made us hold hands with our eyes closed,
Initially judgements did the mind hold,
Slowly the hands began to merge,
A unified sensation began to emerge…
Pristine intimacy did we start to feel,
We were wondering whether,
Whether we were ever not one!
We were both surprised when we realised,
We might have thought of our fathers at the same time…

You re-introduced Yoga in my life,
Losing it was a major falling on my behalf,
Through your methods now we see,
In life there's so little worth the strife…
Can't thank enough for keeping this stupid piece of life sane,
Still figuring out ways around the distractions profane …
Finding comfort and loving challenges in your lap,
Using your grace to steer my ship through this worldly crap !
You ask us to hold our flames tight,
For these infant lights might,
Might be "oof- oof"ed by the people so good,
Who forget it's a fire that sustains them & their food…

Your presence helped us experience,
experience what we intellectually knew,
Knowledge lost in life's grind,
That I am not the body, I am not even the mind…
What should I reveal to those who ask,
Calling this a retreat or a course,
How little we cared of the physical aches,
While in your loving grace we were basked…
It was a fire you had created,
There was no going back to anything dated,
All the weight we carried was burnt,
As we danced to all the past joy and hurt,
Like a burning flame I feel alive,
Will ensure it sustains till there's no life…

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