Tuesday, February 5, 2013


A picture I clicked in Andamans

Waiting through this dark blanket of night
To look at that circle climbing the horizon’s height
Hues and shades so bright,
Oh my darling flower of Nature’s might

I see it with my eyes,
I feel it with my spine upright,
Ah! Don’t I feel like holding it tight!

I peep through the branches,
I wait behind my lens,
As I gaze at the towering lord of light

See how I dance when it shines
And paints the world in its style.
Possessed by its magic, moved by its silence
I stand gripping my lens and pointing it around
I am high on it, higher than a flying kite.

A picture I clicked and Edited in Mumbai

Yet it goes!
Leaves me to spot its lost manifestations
Searching them in everything within my sight-
The subway yellows, the traffic reds
And even the dazzling whites!

What is this relation oh master?!
I sense the gravity on my weight
Yet I feel like a bird in flight

I have come to submit my fears
To deposit my sense of wrong and right
Yet I find myself sinking,
Glacially evolving into something quiet...

Everything seems smooth and easy;

A picture I clicked while "tripping" with Abhishek

All the problems despite...
What are you doing, oh Master?
Is it an accidental connection?
Or is it this child’s right?


P.S.: Metamorphosis means "The marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals."

Often, while living my tight-rope walk called life, I have defined to myself all the incomprehensible yet crucial moments as a part of this metamorphosis. Metamorphosis of the Soul. 


Sandeep Funde, Ex CRPF said...

Matchless transformation...

amit said...

Existence makes a cruel sigh
I know it wont make me feel high
Now craving for some simple changes
Inner outer or on rusted hinges
Lord! curse me for this compromise

Rajat Bansal said...

Wow! That's sad :-) ..well written

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