Wednesday, October 16, 2024

2024 - The Green Days end

September has Ended, I am still trying to wake myself up. What a year it has been so far!  

I saw death and birth. Death of my mom's body, birth of my son's. Death of my professional ego, birth of an inner balance. It was the year where new relationships were born and old ones died their cruel death. The year when I had to let the society die for me. I had to witness the birth of a new understanding that only and only a select few are needed for me to live at my fullest. 

I have written much about the pregnancy of existence. I feel like I have entered my labor and a new me is getting born. He will come through me but only when the old me dies. The mother has to die while she births to her child.  

Death although painful, has its own beauty. It births new possibilities. That's what 2024 is about. 

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