Sunday, October 6, 2024

Oh Baby My!

When life gives you a choice,
Betwixt licking your wounds 
& Prepping for the fight,
Oh baby my! Give the healing to time,
To the next adventure you dance along!

When life gives you a choice,
Betwixt hating the fools,
& Letting the garbage go by,
Oh baby my! Bid the hate good bye,
To the next adventure you dance along!

When life gives you a choice,
Betwixt a thick dark frown
& A big fat smile,
Oh baby my! Don't think before you laugh,
To the next adventure you dance along!

When you feel that only one way lies,
That life wants you to feel low & dry,
Oh baby my! Trust these words of mine,
A choice hides close by, 
To dance as life's adventure carries on!

PS- A random scribble at the airport as I return to Raipur after seeing Niyati and our week-old Zen.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Mrs. Sarita Bansal

Everything about her is pious. She is a much higher soul, who had taken this life to nurture and pull us up in our respective journeys. Her life and its roles were not for the faint-hearted. Her decisions seem to be guided by a force beyond self-serving logic.

She lived her intense life as if it was an offering to someone divine. She suffered a lot, laughed a lot, withstood a lot and still, gave a lot. Her sufferings seemed enough to be able to cut many lifetimes of accumulated karmas. She never asked for anything, neither from people nor from life. Just kept giving.  She still gives and guides

As for me, she brought me into this world physically. She also shaped me spiritually. From reading the Bhagwad Geeta to me as an embryo to the Art Excel course in childhood, the DSN and Vipassana in the 20s and Isha Yoga later on. She was the silent nudge behind all my spiritual explorations. My spiritual being was nurtured by her loving hands. She always knew when I was having a difficult time - my teenage turpitude or even decades later, my cluelessness before Zen. Her few words were enough to give me the zeal to move on. 

She was the one who, with her limited freedom and resources, touched everyone's life lovingly. A lifelong learner, She loved maths and was a self-taught creative content creator. Chatting away with her bountiful supply of sisters, brothers, friends and everyone in between. She was the first to shower their families with birthday and anniversary calls. She kept her sweet sisters, blissful family, Devashish family, Banasthali friends and innumerable other clans together with her CGI collages and videos. Sunshine or clouds, she did this every-day. Till the cancer entered her brain again. 

The disease did its best to be dreadful. Yet she hunted the cracks in its dread to give life her broad-nosed smile. The cancer melted the strong emotional walls she had built inside of her. One of those days when I was trying hard to lift myself up, Muskaan came and spoke to me about her. How she spoke about her made me realise how much I have missed about my mother's life. In the last 2 decades, I have been busy with my own worldly pursuits and whenever I met her, it was brief and about me. She had sewed her own web of relationships which she nurtured and tended to. Muskan showed me that. She was her first grandkid. And to protecting her sanity, she took her out shopping when the emotional weather was to traumatic for a child. When I had secretly and shamefully lost hope, Muskan used to say that "Dekhna, Maa will come out of it, she has fought it before successfully, that too twice"

After the imli chuski episode, when she chose to delay her departure, a lot of magic was happening around her every single day. She spoke extensively about her childhood and was frank and unafraid even around Papa. Often taking the liberty to joke around and cutting people short jokingly. Her last year was more to give us, her Lucknow family time to accept the ultimate reality. In the last one year of her difficult life, she closed the emotional loops of her key relationships. Her magic penetrated the toughest of walls. I still remember papa wearing sherwani on the last anniversary they celebrated together. He became more emotive, reminding her that he used to call her Sweetu while talking about their honeymoon. She enjoyed her time with Kabir who always knew exactly how to keep the whole family engaged. Ever talkative and observant, he always brought a smile to his Maa's face. These last couple of years of her life was all about creating wonderful memories with family. With Garv laying out the cards as Palash, Shubhi, Kaka Bhaiya and Niyati play along while she watched. Telling me how my guitar could be improved, posing for pictures in her most recently shopped hat and scarf. She nibbled on her favourite sweets as she narrated her childhood stories to Muskan and Nisha Bhabhi. All her sisters and brothers took turns to visit her, and her response to their obvious question was "Ekdum Badhiya hai Sab".

After multiple rounds of surgeries and chemo, came her first demand for herself - "Mera 60th birthday achche se manana" was what she told me after seeing one of her school friend's retirement party. I often feel that she purposefully gave us a chance to serve her before she leaves her body. She wished me on my birthday on 25th Jan 2024 and that was the last she spoke to me. 

Before leaving her body, she closed all karmic loops, to the extent that no one can feel good about her going. She was protective of me all through her life, till her very last breath. Protected me from the painful realities of life and death alike. She passed away, sparing me the trauma of seeing her go. She left her body with gangajal and tulsi on her lips. With the lord in her heart and "Hare ram, Hare Krishna" on her mind. She passed away as her husband and her eldest son held her.  After spending 60 years on earth, on the morning of Magh Purnima.

That gloomy night as her bereft body laid in the hall, the moon had its brightest shine in years. Celebrating her home-coming and telling us that her being's luminescence is there to stay, in one form or another.   

She came. She gave and she left. Even while dying, she showed us how to live. 

Yes, she was not that old. Yes, her abundance of love could be cherished by us for decades more. But now that the inevitable has happened, life gives me only one choice. In fact, mummy has already made that choice for me. The choice to face life, receive the abundance it has to offer, accept it fully and live willingly. Use life to reach the source of my being and extract the jewels stored therein. Bring them out and offer them to the world around. The huge void left by her is a black hole pregnant with possibilities. Possibilities that will give shape to the values she lived by. 

She lives on through all of us, her children. And she talks to us, tells us what she wants. Her secret diary reveals that she always had her children in her thoughts. Infusing the Guru force in their lives and rooting for their success. She is still doing the same.  Her life is soaked in ours. Manifesting through memories and our actions alike.

She wants her grandson Zen to never feel the lack of the super extra shower of love that she would have given, had she been around physically. She wants Niyati and me to take care of that. 

As for me, she wants me to define my own path, unafraid of the shadows of expectations of the world. She wants to see nothing but the ultimate realisation of my true potential. See my life burn bright with the exhaustion borne out of complete surrender. I must see her after this.  I know I must maintain access to Her. I will not distract myself from that. I want to be alone more often. To brew focus and invest it in my soul. She has left me with many a bigger job to be done. Now she wants me to direct my emotional energy and harness my life force in a way that allows me to fulfil my potential - as a father, as a husband, a friend and an officer. She wants me to make this life count. As for Niyati - she wants to see us as that couple who inspires millions to live meaningful lives, filled with kindness. Can feel her smile when watching Niyati hold Zen in her arms.

Most importantly, she wants all her children to remember her happy times and not the traumatic tremors. The times when she was truly alive. The times when she chirpily told her stories and happily shared videos of her family. When she connected people from across the world through her innocent concern and love. Her Zen and Kabir will know her for what she was - a strong, kind, giving person who was ready to forgive and move on. The coolest Maa in the world! Who worked and still works tirelessly to protect and nourish her own. 

One of those difficult days when language betrayed her, I found myself instinctively rubbing her forehead with my thumb. I was feeling like I was having a silent conversation with her. I gave her the news of her fourth grandchild and she mumbled something to herself. It is said that the soul takes home in an embryo after 3-3.5 months of conception. Just around her 61st birthday, 21 weeks after the shining moon. Zen was born. The math is clear. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

मुर्दों का बाजार

सत्य के थे पैर चार,
किया उनपे हमने ही वार,
गंदगी भोग कर जो,
सजा दिए झूठ के बाजार। 

अब आया झूठों का उबाल,
फैला निर्दयी खेलों का जाल,
सीधी साधी जिंदगी बनी जो,
रण जहां खुद ही से हो टकरार।
यहाँ सब संभव पर सब उचित नहीं,
जो लगे सही हो वो सहज नहीं,
इस नकली बसंत में सुंदर फूल दो,
छोड़ इन्हें, ये मौसम हैं बेकार।

कुछ सच्चे जन को तू परख, 
क्षण भर का जीवन, जी बेझिझक, 
मत भूल कि है तुझे सत्य से प्यार, 
ये शमशान सही, तू तो जिंदा है ना यार?

Friday, August 9, 2024

नया जन्म

How will you live if you know, as a fact, that your deceased parent is with you every moment, cheering for you to be the best version of yourself? 

As for me, I would want to make her proud and show her all that I can be. Living intensely, leaving no stones unturned and freeing myself from my past into a glorious future. I would live a life rich enough so as to be alive for millions of years, through the lives I touch. Exactly like my mom, who left her body on Saturday, the 24th of Februrary. I left at 5AM to catch the flight to meet her. I ended up scribbling this while I was driving home from the airport, where I had received the news of her demise. "Karna Kya hai" - The question I was asking at the moment, was as relevant to the social ceremonies involved as to the entire life I was living. 

घर आने को है, बहुत रो लिए, अब करना क्या है? 

जवाब इसका हमेशा मम्मी ने दिया है,

अब करना क्या है? 

घर पहुँचा आज जब, ना मिले जवाब तब, 

करना क्या है! बताओ ना मम्मी?   

आसुओं के प्रपात संग,उजड़ी सांस, सिसकि भंग,

दौड़-ता सवाल मन में, 

भेदता उपाय सब ये,

पूछे हर बीते क्षण, 

कि करना क्या है? 

अर्रे तू चीखता क्या है? कर ना वही, जो वो करतीं,

पूछ खुद से, तुझ ही में वो आ बसीं,

तो क्या है जी के करना - 

इस खौफनाक गणित में दिमाग मत लगा,

उनको जिंदा रखने को अभी तुझे है जीना। 

जो वक्त है ये मुश्किल,

तुझे रखना होगा बड़ा दिल,

धो के चेहरा, जा के सब से मिल,

हिम्मत दे सभी को, और दे भी ये तू भरोसा,

करा दे महसूस की अभी भी जिंदा है सरिता। 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Let's Cut to the Chase

Let's cut to the chase dear. What do you really want? Beyond your exalted miseries, your celebrated evasions, what is it that you really want?   

Now, please don’t pretend that you are not in control of your shit, of your destiny or of your mind-made misery. Please don’t. As I said, let us really cut to the chase.

What do you want? Do you want to sleep some more? Pretend that it’s not really your responsibility? Pretend that you can’t handle the pain?

Or do you, for some more time, just want to carry on like this? Pretending that you are insufficient, incomplete and incapable?

If you do – then by all means, please continue. But do give me a deadline ‘coz I am getting bored of it. I am bored of accepting the commonplace excuses of finite thought. I have seen magic. I know it’s there within me. Waiting to be unlocked. I know you have answers to everything. I know that you know. You have the damn keys to the doors you love banging against. You only pretend to look for a Master Oogway while you stuff momos down your Panda throat. You know there is no one else coming. It’s just you and me. I am the only Master you have got. I am the only Master you need. You know that. Or do you not?

मौके पे चौका नहीं, हम छक्का मारते हैं,
चाहे अन्दर हो या बाहर,
बाधाओं को पकड़, हवा में फेकते हैं ...
शरीर और मन पर, रख कर संयम,
खुद को पुचकारते, मुस्कुराते हरदम,
ले के हवा का कश गहरा, बड़ी सी छलांग मारते हैं ...

All I am asking of you, my friend, is to take your fighter jet for a spin. Not on the runway ‘coz that’s where the cool crowd hangs; but in the sky – where it really belongs.

नए पंख


माँ, ये क्या मुझे है हो रहा?

चलते हुए खो गया मैं रस्ता यहाँ - 

अब न राह दिखती, न है कोई सहारा, 

दिमागी बोझ से है कंधा झुक सा गया ...


बेटा, ये क्या है तू कह रहा? 

गौर से तो देख तू जरा - 

डरावना भले, पर सुन्दर है तेरा जीवन सजा,

जमीन तो क्या, अब पूरा आसमान है तेरा ...

नया जरूर तू इन हवाओं में अभी,

सीखेगा इन्हें, भले नए हों नियम सभी,

तो खोज मत तू चलने का कोई नया सहारा,

ये बोझ है तेरे नए पंखो का ...

जब मिल सकता है तू रोज़ मुझसे बादलों के बीच,

उंचाई से डर के अपनी आँख न भींच,

चलने या दौड़ने का नहीं, समय है ये उड़ने का,

बहुत किया संघर्ष अब मस्त हो के पंख फैला ...  


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

अब बस!


मैं पूछूँ खुद से -

जिंदगी में अब क्या करूँ? 

चढ़ तो गया हूँ ऊपर बहुत,

इस अहम के नशे से और क्या लूँ ? 


आता कोई जवाब, उससे पहले 

चेहरे पे एक मुस्कान आ गयी,

विचार की जगह,

हाथ में कलम दे गयी ...


कभी सत्ता, कभी शौहरत,

और कभी अपनों से खेलने में कसर न है मैंने छोड़ी,

अब घर बैठ, कलम घिस,

परिवार में रहने का मन करता है बस यूँ ही ... 


थोडा आलस है, थोडा डर भी,

थोड़ी परेशानियां, थोड़े बहाने,

कुछ छोड़ना है, कुछ पकड़ना,

कुछ कम करना है, कुछ ज्यादा ...


इस नाप-तोल को तो है चलते रहना,

क्यूंकि परेशानी चाहे जितनी हो बड़ी,

है तो वो मुझसे ही जन्मी,

मुझसे बड़ी तो वो हो नहीं सकती ...


क्या तू पूछता और क्या है कहता,

बना इस अहम के धुंए का शीशा,

अपने फैलाव को समेट,

और शीशे पे स्याही तू रचता जा ...

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