Friday, September 20, 2019


You mistake it as children's stuff,
This tricky play of crests and troughs…

As the cold sea breeze hits the soaring waves,
One has to know when to ride and when to wait…

When the ocean is your guru, you might forget,
This game's point is not to get mighty wet…

You should soar above the waves so high,
Life's dreams and visions make you fly…

Lost in your Guru's loving grace,
Judging nothing, no person or place,
Skate smoothly over any karmic whirlpool,
You're better than any memory-hugging sinking fool…

Doesn’t matter who made the karmic puddle in jest,
On my dear ocean Guru's chest,
Smoothly do I stay aboard and continue to surf,
No matter who or what tries to rock my home turf…

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