Let's cut to the chase dear. What do you really want? Beyond
your exalted miseries, your celebrated evasions, what is it that you really
Now, please don’t pretend that you are not in control of your shit, of your destiny or of your mind-made misery. Please don’t. As I said, let us really cut to the chase.
What do you want? Do you want to sleep some more? Pretend that it’s not really your responsibility? Pretend that you can’t handle the pain?
Or do you, for some more time, just want to carry on like this? Pretending that you are insufficient, incomplete and incapable?
If you do – then by all means, please continue. But do give me a deadline ‘coz I am getting bored of it. I am bored of accepting the commonplace excuses of finite thought. I have seen magic. I know it’s there within me. Waiting to be unlocked. I know you have answers to everything. I know that you know. You have the damn keys to the doors you love banging against. You only pretend to look for a Master Oogway while you stuff momos down your Panda throat. You know there is no one else coming. It’s just you and me. I am the only Master you have got. I am the only Master you need. You know that. Or do you not?
चाहे अन्दर हो या बाहर,
बाधाओं को पकड़, हवा में फेकते हैं ...
शरीर और मन पर, रख कर संयम,
खुद को पुचकारते, मुस्कुराते हरदम,
ले के हवा का कश गहरा, बड़ी सी छलांग मारते हैं ...
मौके पे चौका नहीं, हम छक्का मारते हैं.
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